Foundation Nation
Foundation Nation
S4 - E9: Part 1 of a special 2 part series "USA Air Force in the house ๐บ๐ธ
Picture this, you're in the middle of a heated debate at work, the topic? Politics. Our guests, Gen Z members and active duty air force, Kai and Lance, spill the beans on how they handle this delicate dance in the military. As we delve deeper into the conversation, it's evident that generational changes are reshaping the approach towards political discussions in workplaces. We also shed light on a survey that unveils the current stance of employed adults on this touchy subject.
Hold on to your seats as we switch lanes and venture into the world of current events and ground-breaking technology. We chew over the ramifications of Trump's PPP loans, and the escalating carjacking incidents in Seattle aren't left untouched. Ever wondered how iPhones and Androids could bridge their texting gap? We've got the scoop from Apple! Lastly, we introduce you to a technological marvel, a pin that can project images on any surface. It's Thanksgiving, after all, and we're serving a feast of lively discussions on Foundation Nation.
Hello and welcome to Foundation Nation. I'm your host, Matthew Cote. Today on the podcast, we're going to talk about some interesting recent goings-ons in our beautiful state and maybe even a few things going on in this amazing round thing we call home. Hey, I'm Matthew Cote. This is Foundation Nation, with a couple of guests today.
Speaker 2:Hi, my name is Kai. I'm based out of Little Rock Air Force Base at the 314th Aircraft Mania Squadron. I do aerospace propulsion, or in other words, I fix airplane engines that break.
Speaker 1:Thank you for your service. Young man, You're welcome.
Speaker 3:Hey, how you doing. I'm Lance Airman, First Class. I'm with the 88th Com Squadron, also known as the Ninjas, stationed out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I'm a communication technician specialist and that means we make sure the physical aspect of the communication is operational and working to the best of our ability so our planes can take off.
Speaker 1:Hey, all right, thanks for joining us. We are clearly in the middle of a freeway, underneath the airplanes at SeaTac Airport. Today, we're going to talk with these gentlemen about a couple of local and international things going on, and I think it should be interesting. So what's been going on with you today, lance, or this last year?
Speaker 3:I hit my one year time in service. Me and Kai bolted, so we had a little celebration.
Speaker 1:What does the celebration in the US Air Force look like?
Speaker 3:Well, to us it's not much. We don't really get much recognition for it since we're so new. But for higher people, like 10 year marks, they're getting parties and a whole bunch of stuff like that. But yeah, it's just between us, you know. Yeah, all of each other said what's up, checked in, uh-huh.
Speaker 1:Now, kai, you and your brother were thinking about getting into a podcast, right? Oh, definitely, is this your first podcast? This is my first podcast Ever in your whole life, ever In all of your life, in all of my life. And what is your brother's name? Caleb? Yo, what's up Caleb? Hey, caleb, we're going to start our own podcast anywhere. Podcasts are in the whole wide world. Yeah, yeah, yo, lance, say what's up Caleb? What's up Caleb? How you doing, bro? Yeah, we know where you live, man.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we coming for you. Yeah, don't worry, caleb, we'll start our own podcast someday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the two dorks. So let's see, it's cloudy today. There's planes flying out everywhere. Thanksgiving is in two days. Turkey what do we got? Turkey, Ham Cranberry and Seahawks versus 49ers. That is going to be a fun game. That's going to be fun. I'm excited. It's okay, you don't have to like football, but I like football. It's exciting, it's fun. So a couple of things we're going to talk about today. One is Gen Z and the workplace. It's really interesting. Do you guys know what generation you guys are titled as?
Speaker 2:I think we're Gen Z right 2003.
Speaker 3:Is that Gen Z? I thought it was four. I should be Gen Z. I'm not entirely sure on that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, you're not a baby boomer, because I know I'm not that. I think I'm Gen X, and then we got Millennials, which is in between your guys' age and mine, so I think that's accurate Gen Z. But basically, you know things are changing. You know, when I was your guys' age, you know you'd go to work and you never want to talk about politics. And nowadays people are like kicking it in the office, talking about politics, arguing about you know, trump and whoever else and what all these things are going on, and it's like kind of a normal thing. As a matter of fact, people are going to work for people that don't even believe in the same political views as they do. They don't even care, yeah, so what do you guys think about that? How do you feel about the politics in the world right now? And you know, like, do you guys even talk about it? Does it even come up?
Speaker 3:Well, it's interesting because when you look at the military side of things, I would think they would lean towards Republican right, because usually when the Republican comes in they give more money to the military because they're more like military based right, and I've been talking to people. It could just be Ohio and everything, but there's a lot more people that are leaning towards the blue side, which I mean I can't really comment on either word, but you know, more money for us. So I'm going to read right.
Speaker 1:No, that's, I mean, that's it. That's a perspective that I think is pretty common in the military. You know most people are. You know your boss is is right now. Your boss is Biden. Yeah, you know, have you gotten?
Speaker 3:a raise, not that I know of. We're getting one soon, are we? Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, usually before presidential elections, it's really interesting how you start getting raises. Okay, that's sweet Because, especially if there's a reelection of the existing president, you know, you think about it right. So he's your boss, he's giving you a raise, vote for me, kind of thing. Yeah, At least that's how I always understood it. Right, you know so. But yeah, I mean, you know some of these, some of these Gen Z and is kind of the workplace is changing Uh-huh and they're, they're slowly growing into the position you know, and there is a survey that came out, the Harris Poll Survey 1,055 US adults employed full-time or part-time.
Speaker 1:In early October on behalf of Glassdoor. So Glassdoor is a thing where you can go on and you can look at like, if you're going to, if you're going to go work for a company, you look, you can look up Glassdoor and it'll give you reviews about the owners, the workers that are there, the workers that were there and stuff. And Glassdoor uncovered a wide range of expectations for political interactions with coworkers. 82% of the workers are comfortable working with those that have very different political views, and that's a big deal, because when I was a kid, it was not that, it was everybody on the same page or you're getting fired.
Speaker 1:You said 82%, yeah Well now it's 80.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, wow, you know and when I was, when I was young, it was everybody's, we're all, we're all. One team means same religion, same political views, same. You know, I mean shit, everybody's drive Silverado, you know all the same stuff. And now it's it's. It's a lot better, it's a way it should be. We shouldn't be scared of our you know, or have to worry about that stuff at our work. Yeah, you can download that. Yeah, so anyway, so do you guys? Uh, how about you, ky? Are you guys talking any political stuff at work? Or like what's the what? When you go to work, what's a common chat besides chicks and dudes and this and that Um?
Speaker 1:so what are the categories of conversations that you have?
Speaker 2:if we're going to have a categories, Well for me, since I'm from California, so I'll talk to someone like where are you from off in California? Okay, and then that's when we'll get political, because, for whatever reason, they're just like oh, you're from California. Man, man, man, it sucks and then I'm like, yeah, I'm a nuisance and everything's on fire. Then that's how, um, everything's on fire.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's no trees, yeah.
Speaker 2:That's how my conversations usually lead to politics. Yeah, it's a long drawn out thing, but other than that, um, I mean it's not uncommon, but it's not like an everyday thing. Yeah, discussing politics Right, right yeah.
Speaker 1:Do you have you talked to anybody? I've either one of you guys talked to anybody about when Trump was president? That was in the military working when he was president.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, here and there Is there a specific uh, is there a specific feedback that those people give about that time?
Speaker 2:Usually they're it's pretty positive. It's pretty positive, yeah, usually it's pretty positive.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean as a business owner it was a positive experience for me as well.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, how? So? Um, well, he's the first president in the history of the United States that gave these loans out to struggling businesses because of COVID. What loan was that? It's PPP loans, right? So they would give millions of dollars to businesses that were struggling to make sure that their employees got paid and were supported. Oh, that's great. Yeah, and you know when, when you own a company and you have $10 million show up in the bank from the government, that's, that's complete. Yeah, I don't even know what to say, you know. I mean, it's just a shock in all directions.
Speaker 2:The game changer. So what is it? It's just like a low interest. It's a zero interest. You don't have to pay back loan.
Speaker 1:What, yeah, can I have one?
Speaker 3:Well, let me ask you this Do you think another president would have done that or no? I don't know. I think it was just that Trump, because it was in the COVID time, it was yeah.
Speaker 1:So there was. It was specifically for COVID, more or less Right, right. But, yeah, I don't really know. I just know that it happened under his watch. Okay, you know, and there's a lot of good things and bad things that happened, but as far as you know, being a business owner, that was the most impactful thing in my 25 years experience that I've ever experienced.
Speaker 4:Wow so some, some terrible news.
Speaker 1:There's a couple of men charged with murder after a carjacking turned hella deadly. So have you guys ever, either when you've ever been seen a carjacking go down or been involved in one or anything? There is this. Instagram Taking the fifth I'll take the fifth.
Speaker 2:I'll take the fifth. It's a lot of you lads.
Speaker 3:There's this Instagram channel that I like to watch for my own guilty pleasure and it's pretty much just like the news of what's going on in Seattle and they've said they've had an all time carjacking taking the Cadillac, cadillac converters, yup, yup, yup, and there's been a lot of that stuff going on. And there was that thing with the Kia. I think it was the Kia boys. The Kia boys what. They would plug in their USB into the car and start it. Yeah, what.
Speaker 2:With the phone? Yeah, where do you?
Speaker 3:got.
Speaker 1:Whoa, that is awesome. I mean, that sucks. Oh, no, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Right, it was like a manufacturing problem. And somehow they just figured out that you plug it in, do this or that I'm not really sure on the specifics, but and you could just jump the car with your phone plugged in.
Speaker 2:Yeah, brand new Kia.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's the best app ever. Yup, yup. Well, this was a trip. So you got to hear this man. This is crazy.
Speaker 1:So there's three guys involved with the shooting. There's two guys that are trying to seal the car and the guy that has the car. So Jonathan is 19 from Kent and Alu Shane I'm not sure if I'm saying that right 18 is from Federal Way. They're both charged last Monday with first degree murder and killing a 26 year old guy named Robert in the parking lot of a Federal Way auto parts store October 25th. But the guy Robert that had the vehicle that was being, you know like armed Robert Karjakt. He had a handgun with him. He fired at the guys and but then he was gunned down before they fled with the Jeep they had stolen from him at gunpoint.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. So this guy had a gun on him, they stole his Jeep and they're driving away, but they gunned him down and killed him before they left. So he's shooting at them, they're shooting at him, they won, they killed him, you know, and they're always saying guns say you know, have a, you know, you know people that like he kind of did the right thing but it didn't. I wonder if he's alive if he didn't have his gun. That's an interesting point. So if he didn't, if he wasn't armed.
Speaker 1:Would you die for a car? No, never, Lance, would you die for a car? It depends, oh that Lambo Lambo. Wait, are we talking gold plated?
Speaker 3:here? No, probably not, but I don't know. But it says right here that his Jeep that was stolen was stolen three days earlier to when he died, though. So, yeah, I don't know which. I'm confused on that.
Speaker 1:You know, I think it's it's. The thing is is there's two guys, there's guns and there's a Jeep. Yeah right, you know, and I'm just thinking, like there is not a Jeep that I have seen, that I'm willing to take, take, take a cap in the ass, for Me neither, let alone die. I mean I do not like them that much. Yeah right, somebody comes, steals my truck, you're welcome to it. If it's that gunpoint, you're super welcome to it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like just shoot me a text. I'll leave it in the parking lot. I'm not dying for shit.
Speaker 3:No way, man, Bring your phone charger yeah bring your phone charger.
Speaker 1:Yeah, zap it up. So anyway, it sounds like they got them. They're going to jail, you know, and long story short, don't mess with people with Jeeps. I mean, it sounds like they got guns. Yeah, I'm never buying a Jeep.
Speaker 3:I guess Never buying a Jeep. Yeah, yeah, just just yeah, stick to the Kia Stick to the Kia.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the Kia boys, yeah, so some some interesting techie kind of news. Apple plans to start making text easier between iPhone and Android.
Speaker 3:Blue bubble Finally Green bubble, blue bubble, green bubble.
Speaker 1:You know, you know, the engineers are just sitting in the room. You know, you. I wonder how many jokes they got about all the interactions with these two things. You know, it's just as ridiculous.
Speaker 3:Do you think this happened? Like the, the Android CEO shot apple a text and like bro come on.
Speaker 2:I'm sick of this green bubble let's do something, man, switch it up like I have girls making fun of me for my green bubbles yeah, please, man, can I change the shades? Throw me a boat yeah, they should make the bubbles like all colors you want, any kind of colors you want custom bubbles no blue bubbles forever, if you have a green bubble or your text to me and bro yeah, well, no you, so you could you take your iPhone.
Speaker 1:You take a picture of, like I don't know, a stadium full of people. Okay, you know it's like you know the. The photo is like 400 feet by 700 feet, and then and and it's a beautiful picture and you text someone with an iPhone it's a beautiful picture, okay, you text that picture to someone with an android and it's the size of a stamp yeah, it is and it's all.
Speaker 2:And you zoom in and like it's all. It's minecraft yeah, yeah, like the, the field of vision, like a butt crack looking at this weird picture yeah oh god, it's just terrible.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so have you guys either owned android before I have, and what'd you think about it?
Speaker 2:I've never owned one. I was pretty hyped. I was there like my first phones. I had like a no key. I never ran on the, on the android OS, I guess, and it was cool. Yeah, like never had an android, no thing, big baller moves yeah, yeah, I've never had an end.
Speaker 1:All right, so this is how my cell phone history went. I went, I had a uh a phone called a razor.
Speaker 1:Uh-huh, it was a flip phone yes and then from that I went to a iPhone 3. Oh wow, the very first. I've had every single iPhone that they've ever made, yeah, except the new 15. You know what I noticed on the new 15? Uh-huh, no sim card, interesting, yeah, well, I don't know what game they're playing there, but no sim card now it's classic apple, it's integrated, everything, proprietary, everything, yeah, you stuff just making it's harder. Yeah they, they want that thing like sewn into us so bad so this is all and like in the cloud.
Speaker 3:How does it work? I don't know, must be in the cloud, isn't the cloud not full? Like yeah, what up, like what isn't in the cloud at this point, right?
Speaker 1:that's the future. Human, physical humans. Everything else is in the cloud. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:I remember I had one like 20 dollar android and that was cuz I got. No, no, no. I got in trouble at school. I think I was like skipping class or something to play video games and my mom took it. So I hopped on Amazon the cheapest android piece of junk you could get and I got three of them and hid them around so in case she found one, and then I'd have another yeah, back up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, did they look like little dinosaurs and stuff like ancient? Were they little, like little babies? Yeah, you know, like a little pink phone, that's. That's not even a phone, mom, it's like that's just a walkie-talkie, it's a toy phone, it's a play phone. That's pretty awesome. You know, you get like a plush toy. That's actually a cell phone. You know, just totally throw somebody off like pure iPad kids?
Speaker 1:well, hopefully, apple and you know androide get it figured out, so everybody's working together. I know Tim cook, the CEO, is kind of a little more open to making things more like integrated, accessible and stuff like that, but androids for everything and anything. That's the whole idea, right. So their iOS system is free and all you have to do is build a phone, download android system onto your phone and it makes it so we have a competitive industry.
Speaker 1:If it only ends up being Apple, that sucks for the consumer right, but I think they both need to exist, though they do for competition they're playing a little different games, kind of yeah well, I hope they come up with an iPhone that's a flip phone, because I love phones. That'd be cool. I love a bendable iPhone that would actually work or something.
Speaker 1:Yeah they have that no, no, yeah, just android it's android, okay, okay, yeah no apple, but they do have this one up and coming thing that actually you guys should check out and read about. It's what it is, it's called. It's a. It's a phone that is got tons of support anyway. It's a little pin that goes on your shirt, uh-huh, and that pin you hold your hand out and it puts your it projects the phone onto your hand, whoa. And then you push the button and it's a tv screen. It's just like your phone, but it's on your hand like your. Tony Stark, yeah, yeah, you can get it.
Speaker 3:It's just a little pin and you put it.
Speaker 1:Swiping the air, you put it you put a little pin on on your shirt and it projects on your hand. Wherever your hand is, it falls it around and it can project it on the screen of a car, on the table on your table. It can do a keyboard and uh. So they're trying to get that out, but we'll see. You know how that, how that all works. Okay, guys, that was a great episode. Thank you for joining and I hope you have a great thanksgiving you too.
Speaker 4:Thank you so much, see you guys foundation nation is sponsored by seattle's tiny houses dot com. Schedule your free tour today to explore the leaf, seattle's most unique tiny house. You.